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EOS Integrator Services

Do you have a well documented and communicated business strategy? If so, we'll use it to develop your information and technology strategy. If not, then we can facilitate strategic planning sessions meant to get your executive team on the same page. Once both strategies are documented and aligned, we'll help you create a common language between business executives and IT that makes decision making easier.



We offer the following EOS Integrator Services:


  • Vision / Traction Organizer Review - We review your VTO documents for completion and consistency


  • Executive Alignment Review - If your VTO already exists then we help you review it with your team to ensure that all members of the leadership team agree and are moving in the same direction.


  • ​Digital Process Flow - We go beyond process flows to help you create digital process flows. This allows you to see not only what steps are taken by what roles but also what information is needed for each step and what software is managing the information. 


  • Data Management - Once a digital process flow is complete then we help you get better data outcomes by eliminating waste, using the software you have in a better way or replacing it with something better suited to your needs.

A business strategy that is aligned with an Information and Technology strategy leads to lower costs, improved efficiencies, and lower staff turnover

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171 Legion Lane, State College, PA 16801


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